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Thank you for stopping by and having a look.  It has taken me a while to get this website up and running.  During that time I have learned tons more about photography, editing and, yes, websites.  I do hope you enjoy what you see.


If you were to ask me what type of photography I like the best or what my specialty is, I would have to say whatever is on the other side of my camera lens at that time.  I enjoy and appreciate all genres of photography.  I never miss out on experiences that way.  I've photographed the most important day in a couples life, wrapped and snuggled newborn babies, giving the family treasures to last a life time, seen the most beautiful sunsets in rural locations, captured wild horses in their natural environment and  many other wonderful experiences.

I have been so fortunate to have met and been married to the most kind and wonderful man now for 25 years.  He truly is my best friend, partner in crime, and love of my life.  We have three awesome children.  I just couldn’t imagine my life any differently.  In January of 2004,  and totally out of character, my husband and I decided to pack up the kids and animals and move from

California to Arizona.  It was time for an adventure!  So several years later and a couple moves under our belts we call Queen Creek, Arizona our home.

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